Foods 🍽

  • Smoked Salmon & Leeks Ricepaper Rolls with WASABI Mayyonaise  780
  • Avocado & Tuna TarTar with Soysauce & Red Wine vinegrette  850
  • Scallops TarTar  780
  • Octopus SASHIMI Carpaccio  880
  • Chilled Ratatouille  680 ☆
  • Cream Cheese with WASABI  680 ☆
  • Chicken liver pate  680

  • Shrimp Croquettes in Soymilk Skin with Demi-glace Sauce  880
  • Baked Eggplants & Wild Dack Napoleon in Japanese sauce  1080
  • Yams Omlet Japanese Style like Okonomiyaki  780 ☆
  • Tempura Varrie (seafoods, vegetables, etc.)  1080 ☆
  • French Fries  680 ☆
  • Spring Rolls  780
  • Warm Onions Quiche  880 ☆
  • Egg & Spinachs Quiche  880 ☆
  • Vegetables Quiche  880 ☆

  • Japanese Beef Fillet Steak  1580
  • Japanese Beef Patty  1280
  • Milanese Breaded Veal  1580
  • Braised OX Tongue Burgundy Style  1580
  • OX Tongue Steaks with Leek Sauce  1580
  • Grilled Chicken with Garlic Butter like Yakitori  1280
  • Chicked in Tomatos  1280
  • Roasted Wild Duck with Balsamico Sauce  1480
  • Roasted Lamb with Parsleys  1580
  • Fried Shrimps in Garlic Oil  980
  • Shrimps with chili sauce  1080
  • Fried Octopus in Garlic Oil  980
  • Squid Fritters  980
  • Baked Snails in Herb & Garlic Butter  1080
  • Fish & Chips  980
  • Spaghetti

 Spicy Tomato  1080 ☆

 Anchovy  1080 ☆

 Carbonara  1080 ☆

  • Mixed Salada  880 ☆
  • Rice  250 ☆
  • Bread for one person  250 ☆
  • Ice Cream with Berries  400 ☆

☆ for Vegetarian (please tell us☺︎) 

tax10%&service fee10%excluded